
The Story
Ever since I was a kid, I've been committed to two things: writing and making the world a better place. I learned to read at 3, started writing funny little things by 7, and at 9 was sending letters to the President.
I've done a lot of different kinds of writing since then. I started off with poetry, fiction, and essays, the usual creative writing major stuff. After seminary, I turned to sermons and theology (stick with me here), but along the way became a blogger, opinion writer, and occasional journalist. I've been published in some places you might not have heard of, such as Religion Dispatches or The Christian Century, and some you probably have, like The Guardian and The Washington Post. I also wrote a book a while back.
From 2018 to 2021, I was focused on creating messaging to promote voting on college campuses. Among other things, that involved writing ad copy and scripts for a series of videos about how to vote safely during the COVID pandemic.
The civic engagement work turned out to be good preparation for what I've been doing lately, which is crafting guidance for churches on COVID risk mitigation, putting out a weekly newsletter to inform readers about the state of the pandemic and other health news, and writing grants to support our program. It's a lot of taking complex and/or abstract ideas and turning them into something the average reader can use.
Like any committed writer, I keep trying to improve, keep looking for the next challenge. If you'd like to hire me, I'm always happy to help.
The personal details
I grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and graduated from the University of Wisconsin. People sometimes say I have Southern drawl, but I don't. After a couple of years working in Minneapolis, I earned an M.Div (Cum Laude) at Candler School of Theology, part of Emory University. I'm married with two adult kids, and live in the small city of Fond du Lac. In addition to the stuff mentioned above, I've been a pastor in Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, as well as an adjunct instructor on the college level. I avoid semicolons like the plague, and the Oxford comma as much as possible.
The site
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